2nd International Conference on HCI in Business
Indicative topics/keywords of the broad spectrum of issues to be addressed:
- 3D web and virtual worlds
- Analytics and visualization
- B2B, B2C, C2C, O2O
- Business applications for home/leisure context
- Business dashboards
- Computer-supported collaboration and decision-making
- E-leadership
- Electronic, mobile and ubiquitous commerce
- Gamification in business
- Information systems in human resource, accounting, finance, enterprise, healthcare, supply chain, and marketplace
- Kinetic and gesture based interaction
- Multi-dimensional information visualizations
- Negotiation and auction
- Open innovation
- Pervasive computing
- Social media for business
- Social and collaborative shopping in e-commerce
- Surface computing, gesture-based computing and multi-touch interaction
- Technology and branding
- Technology and gender
- Voice and conversational interaction